November 18, 2019, 8:00 p.m., a pedestrian injured by a when he was hit by a car near Main Street and Avenue G. He had severe injuries and was airlifted out via life flight helicopter.
San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department Spokesperson, E. Moran indicated that the collision occurred when the driver of a Toyota pick-up was westbound in the left hand turn lane, preparing to to turn into a business. The driver hit a pedestrian who was in the process of crossing the street. Victor Valley News Coverage
It appears the injured person was not in a cross-walk; however, the driver still owed a duty to exercise due care for the safety of all pedestrians. (Cal. Veh. Code § 21954.) In the event of litigation we would expect the jaywalking pedestrian’s recovery to be reduced by his comparative fault. Comparative fault is the percentage to which his actions contributed to his injuries.
In cases like this, the right truck accident attorney can make all the difference in your monetary recovery. I am an Inland Empire Attorney who will fight the insurance attorneys to keep them from shifting blame where it does not belong.